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Is there no future PC? Huawei is confident of this market

Mildtrans-Wakin 2017-10-11 18:09:05
Is there no future PC? Huawei is confident of this market

  In many PC manufacturers will extend their tentacles to the mobile phone, VR and other fields, there are two mobile phone manufacturers in China against the current, have introduced based on the Wintel system PC products, which, Huawei is a unique presence, home Big Huawei has been considered to reach the PC market is just to fill their own consumer product layout, but with the growth of Huawei product line, questioned Huawei entered the PC market, this decision is correct voice less and less, Huawei recently But also its PC research and development base - Wuhan Institute carried out a full range of upgrades, a larger area, more professional testing, research and development equipment to prove that Huawei's confidence in the PC.

R & D building landing, continuous investment is the confidence of the future

  Huawei's entire business, the PC is only a small part of the enterprise-class business aside, just that consumer-class mobile phones, routers and other product line market size and market share is far more than Huawei PC, but this does not mean Huawei does not pay attention to the PC market. An interesting fact is that Huawei's PC and tablet separately speak, but almost the same group of people doing these two products, in other words, in Huawei, PC and tablet boundaries are vague, the future trend Is a seamless docking, and then integration.

  Huawei Institute of Wuhan has been set up for many years, Huawei's R & D system in the whole is a relatively low-key presence, but with the rise of Huawei flat, Wuhan Institute of the status is also rising, according to Huawei, Huawei flat in China and Japan Volume is the first (single refers to Andrews category), in China's market share as high as 30%, from a global perspective, Huawei's flat shipments in the second or third.

  Flat and PC form of the high degree of similarity also makes the Institute of R & D PC research and development become a matter of course, from the first generation MateBook to the latest MateBook Three Musketeers, product progress we all see for all to see.

  Wuhan Institute has established a highly automated test system, and is constantly expanding its own laboratory scale, the new Wuhan Institute of the base of the new research and development base, Has been basically completed, the future will accommodate 10,000 people at the same time office. Such a generous investment is not the attitude of playing tickets.

Into the PC market after careful consideration, PC future is still infinite possibilities

  Said that a big company turned hard, for a want to get into the PC market has never been involved in the communications technology company, Huawei's PC decision is actually not simple, so far, Huawei has launched two generations of products, Huawei engineers Since Huawei's decision-making process cited a lot of data and logical speculation, everything seems to be so naturally.

  Huawei reason to reach the PC market, the most important reason is that Huawei believes that the future between 10 inches to 21 inches there must be a device exists, it can not be a Tablet PC, can not be a TV, notebook is the most tentacles And the products, based on this view, Huawei notebook segmentation areas, the future direction of product development conducted a detailed study, and ultimately concluded that the combo and thin this will be the future of the main products.

  "Do not do" after the solution needs to consider "can not do", and Huawei that they are a PC manufacturers in a unique stream, Huawei believes that many of the technology on the phone can be used by the PC, their own deep mobile technology Is a large number of PC manufacturers difficult to match. Want to come, in addition to Apple and Samsung, which manufacturers at the same time the phone and PC are doing it?

  Used to do the idea of ​​mobile phones to do the general direction of the PC cleverly to avoid the Huawei PC in the short board, the mobile phone products for many years accumulated human-computer interaction, motherboard design and other unique design concept introduced to the PC products, Bringing advanced interactive ideas such as boot key integration of fingerprint recognition technology.

  At the same time, Huawei's control of the industrial chain is also very strong, whether it is the first generation of MateBook or a new generation of MateBook Three Musketeers are quite personalized products on the market, Huawei did not choose a more simple ODM model to enter the market, it Need to design their own products every detail, from the shell to the motherboard, many original are custom products, which is already a common practice on the phone, the PC is not common, a mold with three years this thing in Huawei is not Too likely to happen.

  Huawei's entry into the PC market is also very clever, 2016 is a year of ChromeBook broke out, Google's operating system to seize a lot of this is a Windows or macOS education market; to today's ARM architecture has been able to run Windows, more real-time Online, long life of the PC as possible; AMD's re-emergence also prompted Intel to speed up the product iterative speed. Finally, a solid Wintel system finally have more power can not be ignored, a wide range of PC market is bound to bring new changes, the process of change is chaotic, but for Huawei, the chaos is the ladder.

  Huawei PC market line in the short term there is no rigid market demand, asked the sales, only the "basic to achieve the expected" this answer, but Huawei is still increasing the PC product R & D investment to boutique as the basic development of the PC This is enough to prove that Huawei's expectations for the PC in the future, the future period may even reach 2025, but in any case, Huawei "do the product, PC is an indispensable device" this view can no longer be questioned , We may wish to wait for the next generation MateBook stunning debut.
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