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Foxconn announced in the United States invested 10 billion US dollars to build LCD panel factory

Mildtrans-Michael 2017-07-28 15:33:25
Foxconn announced in the United States invested 10 billion US dollars to build LCD panel factory

  July 27, Foxconn Technology Group, Shenzhen headquarters, was informed that (Washington, DC, July 26 local time) Foxconn Technology Group announced that in the next four years in the United States Wisconsin invested 10 billion US dollars to build LCD panel (LCD) factory.

    Foxconn said it would be the largest new investment in foreign companies in the United States, which will create 3,000 new jobs for Wisconsin and have the opportunity to rise to 13,000.

    "This is a hundred years for our state and even the United States is a chance, Wisconsin is ready." Walker said, "We believe that this investment to Wisconsin brought about the transformation and upgrading as Silicon Valley in the San Francisco Bay Area "Foxconn will be looking forward to high-tech manufacturing to the United States, Wisconsin will jointly lead the way of change."

    The new LCD panel plant is located in southeastern Wisconsin, the site will be announced shortly after. From the new generation of televisions to automatic driving cars, flight systems, and then to intelligent education, entertainment, health care, advanced manufacturing systems, as well as office automation, interactive new retail, safe life, the factory production of LCD panels will be widely used in the future Affecting the daily life of consumers in many high-tech fields.

    "It was a pleasure to build such a state-of-the-art panel factory in the heart of the United States as the first project in the US state investment program, which is also part of our grand plan to build the 8K + 5G ecosystem in the United States." Foxconn President Gou said.

    "Foxconn is committed to the practice of 'manufacturing in the United States' through industry 4.0 and the Internet + strategy, which will not only enable us to drive the development of intelligent manufacturing technology, information flow and process flow, but also to develop innovative products and solutions To help the Group to include a number of well-known US technology companies, including customers, including better services. "Gou believes that this will also help consumers fully enjoy the 8K +5G ecosystem to bring the future display technology.
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