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Ubuntu Touch is Coming? ThinkPad 8 has brush into!!!

Mildtrans-Michael 2015-01-19 11:05:22
Ubuntu Touch is Coming? ThinkPad 8 has brush into!!!

    Canonical's Ubuntu Touch is designed for smart phones and tablet PCs and other mobile devices are designed to create the operating system, which does not seem smooth development of the past few years, because only two devices currently support the system, respectively Nexus 4 and Nexus 7. However, Canonical decided to let the company seems to be more easily extended to more platforms, such as Windows x86-based Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 8.

    Lenovo ThinkPad 8 inside the fuselage equipped with Intel Bay Trail platform Atom Z3770 processor and Windows 8.1 operating system pre-installed by default. Recently, it has proved to be easy to install Ubuntu Touch successful operating system, although not yet released details of the migration process, but it is certain Canonical developers seem to consider further support for such devices.

Ubuntu Touch has been ported many times

    Currently on the market running the Windows operating system-based Tablet PC is not much, but Android Tablet PC market share first in the world. So Android platform devices are usually great God who transplanted into the other system as the main target, but the God who often try different challenges.
    In fact, Ubuntu Touch is already running on a variety of different devices, most smart phones, especially Google's Nexus 5, some of the other phones also include Samsung's Galaxy S4 and Galaxy S5 and so on.
    Canonical's developers on Google+ Kevin Gunn said: "Hey, we have to look at our developer community Simon Raffeiner, Unity 8 desktop environment has been ported to the Intel platform Bay Trail, see Unity 8 and Mir can more easily go the other new hardware platform, and we are very proud. "

    Process development work over the past year, the number of devices supported by Ubuntu Touch declining almost no new equipment within the supported range of the system, but this does not preclude developers are waiting for the operating system to a new version is more stable.
    Unfortunately, the development progress of the Ubuntu Touch is still a mystery. In mid-September last year, Canonical has finally released the first version of Ubuntu Touch of RTM, Mir upgrade to 0.7.1, support for Unity 8, said to have a very stable version available for everyday use. Now six months later, however, the open-source operating system in addition to the user interface simplicity would have no more than a message-related products.

    If nothing else, the final version of Ubuntu Touch will be released in February 2015, followed in the next few months to run Ubuntu Touch devices will be officially sold in stores.

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